Thursday, March 22, 2012

To tell or not to tell? That is the question........

It was just a couple weeks before Christmas 2011 and I was about 13 weeks pregnant. I was technically in the "safe zone" but still a little nervous about whether or not to let everyone in on our little secret. My family, as well as my husband's family all knew but that's as far as the secret circle extended. At that point, I was just starting to get a little baby bump but was cleverly able to hide it under my work clothes. Here is a picture from the my 13th week :)

J. Marie


On October 11th, 2011, my husband and I found out that we were pregnant. We had been trying off and on for the last three years so this month seemed no different then the last. I had been working some extra shifts and figured that was why I had been so tired. This marks the beginning of our journey :) Stay tuned!
